Sunday, March 9, 2008

7 Months old!

Craig 7 months old now :( He is getting so big so fast. He is a lot of fun, he has developed quite the personality. It has been nice because his teeth haven't been bothering him for a few days so he has been laughing, talking and rolling a lot more. Jeff and I are amazed at how he can get him self around the living room, he just squirms all over the place! It was cute the other night because he managed to get himself over by all his toys but he got stuck half under the chair.
Craig was spying on me while I folded the laundry.

Luna enjoys playing with Craig on is foam mat.
Come play with me kitty. Craig will just see Luna and he starts laughing.

I went to Walmart yesterday and found Craig an adorable summer hat! He seems to like it!

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